SCIRISK - The Science of Risk

Dr. Kamil J. Mizgier 

Founder and CEO - Senior Risk and Resilience Advisor

NEW! Column on Navigating Risk Frontiers in the European Business Review


SCIRISK Welcomes You

Welcome to SCIRISK, your premier destination for expert risk counseling!

Discover a new paradigm in risk management as we merge cutting-edge research with real-world industry insights. Our boutique risk management consulting firm is dedicated to cultivating a collaborative environment where risk researchers and industry professionals converge to elevate risk management strategies and fortify organizational resilience.

Adept risk management is not just advantageous – it's imperative. At SCIRISK, we specialize in uniting risk, sustainability, cybersecurity, and more, harmonizing knowledge with pragmatic application.

Our platform serves as a nexus for collaborative research projects, dynamic knowledge transfer events, influential industry advisory boards, and enriching internship programs. We are committed to seamlessly blending research acumen with industry proficiency, fostering an environment where innovative solutions to risk challenges are cultivated.

By becoming an integral part of our community, you contribute to the fusion of risk research and industry practice, propelling innovation, informing judicious decision-making, and constructing organizations that are not just robust but adaptable.

Embark on this transformative journey with us at SCIRISK. 

Thank you for choosing to be a part of this exciting venture!

We turn risk into opportunity!


Research and risk management

Collaborative Research Projects

One major effort to bridge the gap between risk research and industry practice is through collaborative research projects. Research institutions and industry organizations can collaborate on joint studies and investigations focused on specific risk areas or industry challenges. This partnership allows for the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical expertise, leading to the development of relevant and applicable risk management strategies.

Risk knowledge transfer

Knowledge Transfer and Exchange

Another crucial effort involves facilitating knowledge transfer and exchange between risk researchers and industry professionals. This can be accomplished through various means such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and webinars. These events provide a platform for researchers and industry practitioners to share their findings, experiences, and insights, fostering a mutual understanding and enabling the dissemination of best practices and emerging trends.

Risk advisory

Industry Advisory Boards and Panels

Establishing industry advisory boards or panels composed of experts from both academia and industry is an effective way to bridge the gap. These boards can provide guidance and input to research institutions, ensuring that research efforts align with industry needs and priorities. Industry professionals can offer real-world perspectives, identify research gaps, and validate the practical relevance of research findings, thus enhancing the applicability and impact of risk research.

Risk job opportunities

Internship and Fellowship Programs

These programs promote direct collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the transfer of practical skills. By immersing themselves in industry settings, researchers can better understand the operational challenges and realities, while industry professionals can gain insights into the latest research advancements, methodologies, and innovative approaches to risk management.


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